how to get twitter (X) live viewers:
If you are a twitter (X) user you would want to have so many followers. Some people may argue that there is no need to have so many followers who are not so useful and that it's why they prefer fewer followers, they could be saying so just because they feel bad not having many followers.
To increase your twitter (X) live views you would need many followers who are checking in whenever you tweet a live event. You can imagine how it feels when you see people having large numbers of followers and you sometimes don't even know can be done in order to enjoy the same following.

Nowadays so many people and even business are using Twitter (X) in order to promote their products and post videos that are appealing and entertaining. It's so understandable that Videos are the most effective way of sending information especially on through twitter. Anytime you will be posting a video, all you will be wanting to get is more twitter (X) live stream views in order for your video to cover a wide area.
You can only achieve this if you have many twitter (X) followers enough to tweet the link to your post and share it in order for you to meet the intended target. The following ways show how you can get twitter followers:
1.Sharing great content
What you post on twitter (X) is what that can make people talk and what they talk about will depend on what kind of things you will post. If what you tweet is interesting, it will attract so many people and you will see them talking how exciting whatever you posted is, unlike when you post something which will just piss off a number of your followers who can easily unfollow you.
The main intention of posting any content is to get it reach to as many people as possible, by so doing you need to know about the people its intended for. You should be able to entertain your audience as well as notifying them of new events. You can post an informative video that will make them talking about you and the message in the video, thus increasing the number of your twitter (X) live stream views.
2.Tweet the right amount of content
It’s very important to weigh the amount of content that you want your audience to consume. You don’t have to tweet now and again like you are going to die tomorrow. On the other hand, very little tweeting can indicate that you are not up to the task of being followed. Therefore, you should find out how your already existing audience feels by varying your frequency of tweeting until you find the right amount.
3.Stop being too promotional
People use Twitter (X) for several reasons including to get informed about something, to get breaking news, to research various brands and to get if you post too much promotional content, some of your followers might be annoyed and those who wanted to follow you would feel so pissed off and disappointed.
4.Tweet questions that can get a response
The important thing for any Twitter (X) user is the attention of their audience. Asking questions can bring responses and thereby leading to a debate which will make so many people want to discuss it. You can post anything funny, and people can respond by laughing and making funny comments as well and they will feel amused and entertained. You can as well as a question that can remind them of a certain movie character and personality like, “What’s the best moment in Black Panther series?”, this can lead to a lot of reactions from your followers and others who would want to follow you.
5.Running engaging twitter polls
This is one of the ways that you can use to reach to so many people and even get potential followers. You can come up with a poll, for example, you can tell them to vote for their best soccer player in the world, between Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi. Such kind of poll can attract so many people especially those that are interested in soccer and love those two soccer players. Every follower would vote for the one he or she thinks is the best player in the whole world. You will find even new followers voting and airing their views, others can even post videos of the player they support which can even result in many followers hence leading to so many views.
6.Tweet live events
Sometimes you feel like tweeting events that you feel you are not the only person experiencing them. Such events could be a favorite movie you are watching, breaking news, or trending news that is known to not only you. You can tweet about the final episode of a certain TV show that you have been watching which is airing for the last time. Such big events are aired on twitter (X) to get the attention of existing followers and new followers. Most businesses these days use Twitter (X) to raise awareness for their products, try to get new customers by drawing the attention of followers, and notifying them of their next upcoming event. It could also be a sporting event and so many people will want to follow such events, hence many twitter (X) live views