Instagram Tips For Beginners:
Instagram is the most exciting and interesting social media platforms at the moment. It’s pretty fast and easy to use.
This is the easiest way to capture and record the most important world’s events that you can share with your family and friends. You can also keep a track on what people, that you follow are doing, where they are and discover a lot more other thing like mutual interests and hobbies.
Note: Dear user, please mail us at exactly 30 minutes before you come live to get Instagram Live Comments.
Note: Dear user, please mail us at exactly 30 minutes before you come live to get Instagram Live Comments.
You can get started with the following ideas in order to enjoy all these privileges and thereby helping you to get many followers and consequently many Instagram live comments:
1.Posting interesting and exciting photos and videos
In order for you, as a user of Instagram, to get many followers you will need to ensure that you provide something of value to them. For this reason, you will have to be creative when it comes to the kind of photos and videos you post which are humorous and can bring some kind of happiness. People are weak when it comes to emotions, and so they will view, like and comment on photos videos that evoke emotions.
Instagram has several kinds of editors that can enable you to add colors in order to make photos look more appealing to post. Such kind of photos will cause a lot of activity on your profile.
2.Don’t overdo it using the effects
Instagram has certain effects that are used for editing photos. These effects have filters that you can use in order to change the appearance of a picture that you want to post. But as much as you would want to change the look and style of the picture, it would be important to use them moderately so that you don’t kill their natural look. Nowadays many people add a lot of colors to the photos before posting, and when you do that you think it will trend, but to your surprise, it does not get to get many views or likes. The simple reason is that you overdid it and people love colorful photos and videos, but with their natural look still on them.
You can be so easily tempted to use this effects because of the variety of colors and filters they contain, but then it’s important to try and balance them so that you don’t spoil the fun and get prevent your chance of getting many Instagram live comments.
3.Balance the use of Hashtags
Hashtags are the most effective way of making something to go viral on Instagram, in order to get to many people and to ensure that they are socializing. New followers can also be interested in your Hashtag and thereby they will, in turn, follow you. The problem with the use of these hashtags is the fact that so many people just exaggerate using them, to such an extent that what is on the picture just posted is not relevant to what is in the hashtag. This brings a lot of confusion among your followers and they will not take you seriously, and worse still new followers will not be interested in what you are posting. Your comments will be so few because no one will want to talk about such kind of photo that has an irrelevant hashtag. Maybe the only way would be to just buy Instagram live comments.
4.Using the explore tab to search for new content
Most popular photos of famous celebrities and videos of famous events and happenings can be found here. They are organized in such a way that you can get the photos and videos that have been viewed by people following you or those that you follow.
You can always check this tab in order to find new people that you would want to follow such as celebrities and media personalities.
5.Posting frequently in order to always interest your followers
Creativity is key to posting content on Instagram. To keep activity level on the high, you have to know what to post at a given time, every day. It’s all about how frequent you post, but don’t post a lot of content all at once. Don’t take too long before posting something because your followers might lose interest.
6.Using Instagram Direct to contact some specific users
It is good to keep posting now and again so that your followers are kept engaged, but then it’s equally of importance to make a public post for every follower. Sometimes there could be information you would want to pass to some specific users or even groups, and this kind of information cannot be aired publicly since it’s meant for only certain people. To avoid this you will have to use Instagram Direct to either post what you want them to see.
7.Interacting with your followers
The most stupid thing you can do is to ignore those people that view and like your photo or video on a regular basis or even once in a while. If you ignored them, you will simply start losing them. Always talk with them, air your views and comments in order to keep it lively and interesting.
8.Don’t get temptations of buying followers
Sometimes as an Instagram user, you might find that your account is so dormant and that whenever you post something no one views or comments on it. This can easily push you hard into buying followers in order to buy Instagram live comments and likes. The moment you pay followers to like or comment on a video or photo you have posted, they go and keep quiet. Just stay real.
Note: Dear user, please mail us at exactly 30 minutes before you come live to get Instagram Live Comments.